First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ

Each Board develops, maintains and submits long-range plans annually to the Church Council for improving its particular mission of the Church. Each Board presents to the Finance and Stewardship Committee an annual
budget to carry out its responsibilities.

The Board of Buildings & Grounds

The Board of Buildings and Grounds works with the minister and is responsible for the church plant, physical property, custodial, housekeeping and maintenance activities. 

The Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education works with the Director of Family Ministries and is responsible for the Christian Education program for all ages, including, but not limited to: adult Christian education, children’s Christian education, Vacation Bible School, the confirmation program, nursery and outdoor ministries.

The Board of Fellowship

The Board of Fellowship works with the minister and is responsible for the hospitality and fellowship activities of the Church, such as after-worship-fellowship, hanging of the greens, church picnic and other social activities for all ages.

The Board of Finance & Stewardship

The Finance and Stewardship Committee is responsible for management and control of the financial affairs of the Church. The committee’s primary responsibility is to submit an annual budget, review and have this budget approved by the Church Council prior to the annual meeting. They are also responsible for financial stewardship in the Church and to ensure that an annual pledge drive among church members and supporters is conducted. The committee appoints a chairperson to organize and direct the annual pledge drive. The committee reviews monthly financial performance. They also encourage and educate members to stimulate interest for contributions to the various church endowments and memorial funds. They direct and supervise the investment of church funds.

The Board of Outreach

The Board of Outreach works with the minister to collect and review information on groups seeking financial support from the Church. The board informs the Church Council and the congregation about opportunities for outreach and coordinates offerings for outreach.

The Board of Worship

The Board of Worship works with the minister and is responsible for the worship life of the congregation. The board arranges for meaningful worship including communion, ushers and greeters, and the radio broadcast.